Our dwelling property program offers protection, including liability coverage, for camps or other seasonal properties.
Dwelling property insurance can also be used to provide coverage for most year-round, long-term residential rental properties. It can be used for buildings with up to four rental units. We can even provide protection for your rental income!
Every situation is different, and Co-op can tailor this flexible policy to meet your specific needs. Talk to your local agent for details!
Co-op’s claims service is fast and fair, our rates are competitive, with a variety of discounts and credits available, and our many payment options work with almost any budget.
Dwelling Property Insurance
Our dwelling property program offers protection, including liability coverage, for camps or other seasonal properties.
Dwelling property insurance can also be used to provide coverage for most year-round, long-term residential rental properties. It can be used for buildings with up to four rental units. We can even provide protection for your rental income!
Every situation is different, and Co-op can tailor this flexible policy to meet your specific needs. Talk to your local agent for details!
Co-op’s claims service is fast and fair, our rates are competitive, with a variety of discounts and credits available, and our many payment options work with almost any budget. Talk to your local agent today!