Summer Safety Tips

Staying Safe During the Summer Months
Summer is the time to get outside and celebrate with family and friends. Because of this, there are some hazards that are unique to this time of year. Read some of the safety precautions you can take to keep your family and yourself safe.
As the temperature rises each year, so do the risks associated with outdoor fires. In spring, the risks mainly come from brush fires (either in the wild or related to
Fire-Related Hazards: Lightning generates a variety of fire hazards. The electrical charge and intense heat can electrocute on contact, splitting trees and causing fires. Pools of water and even appliances
How to Reduce Your Risks: By a huge margin, the safest place in a thunderstorm is a “safe building” – a home or other substantial building that’s wired, plumbed, and
Heat illness includes a range of disorders that result when your body is exposed to more heat than it can handle. The human body is constantly engaged in a life-and-death
One of summer’s great treats is the opportunity to take the indoors out to enjoy a grilled meal. However, sometimes we leave our safety sense inside. That’s unfortunate, because we’re
Make sure surfaces around playground equipment have at least 12 inches of wood chips, mulch, sand, or pea gravel, or are mats made of safety-tested rubber or rubber-like materials. Check