Co-operative Insurance Blog

Did you know that more than 80% of people with connected devices either have no insurance coverage that protects them from cyber fraud or aren’t sure if their current policy covers that liability? With the rise of smart home tech

Starting a new venture is exhilarating, but amid the excitement, there’s a crucial detail that often gets overlooked: business insurance. Many founders, especially first-timers, might not think about it until it’s too late. However, getting the right insurance coverage can

Our homes are our safe havens, but they also come with their share of risks—especially when it comes to fire. House fires can cause serious damage, resulting in expensive homeowners’ insurance claims and lengthy restoration and rebuilds that cause significant

Fire is one of the most destructive forces you can encounter in your home. From the flicker of a small spark to a raging blaze, fire can spread quickly, leaving lasting damage. But did you know that not all fires

Flooding is one of the most frequent and costly natural disasters in the U.S., yet it’s often misunderstood. While those in high-risk areas may be required to purchase flood insurance by their mortgage company, many homeowners in moderate or low-risk

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your pool or hot tub, but before you dive in, it’s crucial to ensure everything is electrically safe. Water and electricity can be a dangerous combination, so here are some essential tips to

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