What To Do After...

Dealing with Specific Kinds of Losses
We hope you never face these losses, but if you find yourself in one of these situations, your safety and the safety of your loved ones is top priority! Once everyone’s safety has been established, here’s what to do:
After a Fire
- Protect property from further damage. (Some examples: drain plumbing if necessary; turn off power to affected areas)
- Do not disturb the area of the fire’s origin.
- Report your claim.
After Water Damage or Frozen Pipes
- Isolate problem source and shut water off if possible.
- Turn off affected electrical circuits or appliances; avoid walking in water where this isn’t possible.
- Protect property from further damage.
- Try to minimize damage if possible by removing water and/or drying property out.
- Report your claim.
After Theft
- Contact the local police department.
- Make inventory of stolen property.
- If your dwelling is damaged, make necessary temporary repairs to protect against further loss.
- Report your claim.
After an Auto Accident
- Contact the local police department.
- Get names and phone numbers of other drivers and exchange insurance information with them.
- Get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
- Don’t discuss the accident with anyone but police and Co-op representatives.
- Take photos of all vehicles involved and the accident scene, if safe to do so.
- Report your claim.