Stevens Advanced Driver Training Program
This half-day accident-avoidance training program gives both adult and teen drivers the skills to confidently perform emergency maneuvers at highway speed. More than 1,500 Co-op members have completed this program since 1997.
Co-op members can even take the course at a discount, paying just $125 for the $300 course. Co-op and private foundations subsidize the rest of the cost!
Those successfully completing the course may also qualify for a discount on personal auto premiums.
Course dates and times are listed at
To Register, or For More Info
Register online at
If you register online, please enter all the required information and select the appropriate discount coupon code: use “Coop VT and YSCV combined“, if you are a Vermont resident OR “Coop Insurance New Hampshire“, if you are a New Hampshire resident). You can pay online or a the time of class. Be sure to provide your agents name and policy number to verify the discount. You may pay for the course online or at the time of the course by credit card or cash.
Driver Training
Stevens Advanced Driver Training Program
This half-day accident-avoidance training program gives both adult and teen drivers the skills to confidently perform emergency maneuvers at highway speed. More than 1,800 Co-op members have completed this program since 1997.
Co-op members can even take the course at a discount, paying just $150 for the $300 course. Co-op will subsidize the rest of the cost!
Those successfully completing the course may also qualify for a discount on personal auto premiums.
Course dates and times are listed at
To Register, or For More Info
Register online at
If you register online, please enter all the required information and select the appropriate discount coupon code: use “Co-op Insurance”. Be sure to provide your agents name and policy number to verify the discount. You may pay for the course online when you register or at the time of the course by credit card or cash.